I’m having such a good time with Indy and his splendid circle. My hopes for the game were incredibly raised when I saw the first in-game footage at Gamescom this year, but even that didn’t properly convey that this was going to be a full-fledged immersive sim adventure. It’s tremendous fun, and a big part of that is the many title details that really shine. Oh, and then there’s the shit bits too.
Overall, I’m deeply impressed with The Great Circle, so this article isn’t some bizarre attempt to weigh bad against good. Given how much it’s occupying my time, how it’s making me happy in a way a video game hasn’t since Prey, in my experience the good enormously outweighs the bad. I have so many things to celebrate about it! However, as a committed curmudgeon, that doesn’t stop me from being infuriated every time I read the words “Opens from other side” or not being able to swim underwater for more than five seconds.
Zack already did a brilliant job reviewing the game, so again, this isn’t that. This is me picking out some teeny details and all-encompassing aspects that make me feel joy, then moaning like a bastard about equally small or ethereal annoyances. Let’s start with the loving (and the hating).