The Tyranids and Thousand Sons are dangerous armies to fight, but fortunately, the Emperor has the backing of the Space Marines to help keep humanity safe. While playing Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 in Operations mode and PvP, you can pick from six different classes. This guide will detail everything you need to know about picking the right classes when fighting the Tyranids and the heretics that are the Thousand Sons.
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All Space Marines 2 Classes
- Tactical
- Assault
- Vanguard
- Bulwark
- Sniper
- Heavy
Hit Next for detailed breakdowns of each class, and how to best use them.
SLIDE #1Tactical Class

The Tactical class is more or less your standard Space Marine. They don’t bring anything extra-special to the table, but they’re great in just about every situation. Like fighting from a distance, no problem, or if you prefer to get up close and personal, this class is still for you.
Due to their versatility, they have the most comprehensive range of weapons. They also have an Armor Class of 3, meaning they could take a handful of hits before going down. Their ultimate move lets them take on more of a support role. When Asuspex Scan is active, it’ll reveal the location of all enemies around you, making it easier for your buddies to stop heretics.
SLIDE #2Assault Class

The Assault class is for those who prefer to always jump into the thick of battle. Their Armor Class of 3 in PVE further reflects this, along with 2 in PvP. Even though they only have two weapons, it doesn’t mean they can’t inflict a lot of damage. This class’s main weapon of choice is melee. Their ultimate ability further complements this: Jump Pack.
Jump Pack can be used in two different ways. The first is to get in and out of trouble at a moment’s notice. The other lets them fly up into the air and ground-pound onto their enemies. So, if you’re not a fan of shooting and prefer to fight up close and personal, this one’s for you.
SLIDE #3Vanguard Class

The Vanguard class is a bit different. It only has an Armor Class of 2, so it’s best to fight at a distance, even though their ultimate doesn’t encourage that! When the Grapnel Launcher is used, it’ll send the character flying toward an enemy, and when they get close enough, they’ll perform a Diving Kick.
The best way to use this class is to fight at mid-range, then once you notice they’re at death’s door, use your ultimate move to go in for the kill. This class has access to all three weapon load-outs, and while there are some limitations, you’re given enough to stand your ground in a fight.
SLIDE #4Bulwark Class

Even though the Bulwark is built around melee, you’re not necessarily encouraged to run into the thick of battle. Bulwark can be played as an up close and personal class, but it can also be used as a support. The Bulwark has an Armor Class of 3, and 4 in PvP, but its ultimate move—Chapter Banner—is what makes it so versatile.
When Chapter Banner is activated, it’ll begin to restore squadmates’ Armor as long as they’re in the area of effect. As for their weapons, they’re limited to only secondaries and melee. So, as this class, be sure to keep an eye out for everyone’s health.
SLIDE #5Sniper Class

The Sniper class is, you’ll not be surprised to learn, primarily meant to be fought at a distance, and the Armor Class of 2 further underlines that. Even though this class is meant for those wanting to use a Sniper Rifle, you can switch it out for a Bolt Rifle. It’s also worth mentioning that the Sniper Class has access to all three weapon slots.
The Sniper’s ultimate ability, Camo Cloak, can be used in several ways. When it’s activated, the character will channel their inner John Cena and temporarily turn invisible. While invisible, they can easily get out of a dangerous situation, sneak behind enemies, and inflict a lot of damage, or revive downed teammates without fear of getting attacked.
SLIDE #6Heavy Class

As the name suggests, the Heavy class is for those seeking to inflict the most damage. These big boys have an Armor Class of 3, and 4 in PvP, but in exchange they cannot carry melee weapons. They’re also the only class that can equip the Heavy Bolter. These guys are great when you’re looking for someone to be the center of attention when fighting ranged enemies.
When their ultimate Iron Halo is activated, it’ll create a barrier around them that squadmates can enter. As long as the barrier is active, it’ll block all ranged attacks. The only downside to this class is that they’re not good at mid to long-range fights, and their melee is naturally poor. But if you want to run down the battlefield with nothing but a machine gun, this is the class for you.
There you have it! All six classes in Space Marine 2 are worth a try, each with their own strengths and weaknesses—it’s all about feeling out which one best fits the situation for you. Hopefully, this will help you serve The Emperor better in his fight against the heretics.