Looking to wicked the evil ways of the symbiote with Venom, the best dive tank in Marvel Rivals? With so many players jumping into what is arguably the hottest hero shooter right now, it can be hard to rise above the rest of the pack in Marvel’s new hero shooter. However, learning this character is a great way to start claiming MVP or SVP titles at the end of matches.
And if you’re not necessarily looking to main Venom, you may want to spend some time learning how to play him anyway. While Overwatch 2 revolves around the role queue to ensure there are players on each type of hero, Marvel Rivals doesn’t have any such system in place, so you may find yourself needing to flex to play healer (Strategist) and tank (Vanguard) often. With this, learning to play a character of each type will be vital, especially if you’re solo queuing.
Turn off Easy Swing. You’ll thank me later.
This might seem a little counterintuitive for a beginner’s guide, but turning off this setting will help you in the long run. Though Easy Swing makes things somewhat, well, easy by way of selecting a tether point for you to swing to, turning the setting off will see Venom swing in the direction your aiming. As you get better at the game, you’ll come to rely on this greater freedom of control, even if it’s a little more challenging at first.
Use your melee attack frequently.
Some of the melee attacks in Marvel Rivals can feel a bit clunky. However, this is definitely not the case for Venom. This melee strike can add up to a three-hit combo, which does enough damage to put the finishing touch on low health Duelists are trapped in your tendrils.
Delay your shield.
When diving into enemy lines, keep a very close eye on your health, and use your shield ability when your health is very low, ideally all the way down to the double digits of Venom’s sizable health bar.
Watch your opponent’s composition closely.
Keeping an eye on who’s on the battlefield will determine how early you should use your shield. Watch out especially for characters that can stun, like Luna Snow. If they do manage to stun you, use your shield ability earlier, right about when your health is around 200.
Use your Ultimate for preservation.
Venom’s ultimate, unlike many others in the game, does not do a whole lot of damage. It also doesn’t have a major healing effect. Instead, it grants special temporary health depending on how much damage you dish out. Mainly, Venom’s Ultimate is is good for a last ditch effort at self-preservation.
Marvel Rivals is available for free on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Windows PCs.