Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse viewers’ collective spidey senses have unearthed yet another spectacular detail in the record-breaking box-office animated film: There are multiple versions of the film doing the rounds in theaters.
Multiple moviegoers (likely on their umpteenth rewatch of the film) have posted a slew of TikTok videos of Spider-Verse showcasing alternative takes with slightly different animation and jokes across different versions of the film. After that, Spider-Verse associate editor, Andy Leviton, confirmed there are multiple versions of the film out in the wild on his official Twitter account, saying “I was wondering when people might start noticing.”
Kotaku reached out to Leviton for comment.

Every difference Spider-Verse fans have caught so far
In case you’re not up for procuring multiple tickets to your local theatre on the off-chance you’ll get to see an alternate cut of Spider-Verse you haven’t seen before, here’s a list of some of the alternative takes fans claim they’ve spotted in the movie. Spoilers, obviously.
- A version of Spider-Verse doesn’t show the build of Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) almost going full vampire before deciding not to bite the Vulture’s head off.
- After falling through one of the Spot’s spots at the beginning of the film, Miles’ dad, Jefferson Davis, will either groan and look around at where he’s been teleported or get a snappy reaction shot of his face.
- Miles will either say “No! No” “Sorry! I’m sorry” or “Something like that” during the chai tea terminology redundancy scene.
- Some versions of Miles hearing about Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) for the first time don’t include a little line of text of Miles saying his name out loud above his head.
- Voice lines of Gwen Stacy searching for Miles in a pile of rubble have been removed in some versions of the film.
- Some cuts of Spider-Verse don’t have Miguel sassily say “That’s funny” when Gwen Stacy tries to explain why she’s with Miles.
- Ben Reilly (Scarlet Spider) will either say “I’ve got you trapped in my well-defined musculature” or “This one’s called the sleeper hold” while grabbing Miles Morales during the big Spider-Man chase scene.
- The Spot will either say “Oh what the heck” or “Which would not be good” in the scene where he puts his finger on the mini collider.
Read More: Let’s Explain The Spider-Verse Joke That Went Over Some Viewers’ Head
Spider-Verse isn’t the first time a movie released alternate cuts to theaters. Most notably, Clue distributed three different endings of the 1985 whodunnit murder mystery with different partygoers being outed as the killer. Similar to how Clue’s alternate endings accentuated the 1949 board game’s various possible combinations of wrongdoers, weaponry, and the location of their crimes, Spider-Verse’s slightly alternative variations of its story underscore the film’s metanarrative about each Spider-Man, regardless of where they come from, having slightly-altered-yet-similar wrinkles in their origin stories. Personally, I prefer the version of Spider-Verse without audio issues.